Tyler Matl - Head Over Heels 歌词

After all your tears, its been one full year, was it worth it, you should of said no
You were fifteen when you had just met him
But if you had known would you have let this happen

Youre gonna give yourself away to a boy who will move on anyway
You swear that youll marry him someday, but youre wrong

Cause youre falling head over heels for a boy that you cant have
Youre sixteen, youre too young to know what love is and what you have
Oh, Im standing right before you, but you want that

Im done wasting time, youve made up your mind
Not to let go, youre just too attached
Is this what you really wanted
When hes a montague and youre a caputlet

I told her every single day
That I love you, it will be okay
But, I just couldnt change how Kendra felt

Cause youre falling head over heels for a boy that you cant have
Youre sixteen, youre too young to know what love is and what you have
Oh, Im standing right before you, but you want that

When all that you wanted was love from the one that you love, but you just cant have it
Eventually, youre gonna give up
Cause your heart has had enough
And you just wont have it

Youre falling head over heels for a boy that you cant have
Youre sixteen, youre too young to know what love is and what you have
Im standing right before you
But, you want that

Oh, Im standing right before you
But, you want that

Im standing right before you
But, you want that
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