Under cover of the darkness the moon was laughing at the sun
You can't outshine me here, you can't outshine me here
I was out the door before I had a chance to think 'my god what have I done?'
When anger's stronger than fear, anger's stronger than fear
And there's a tangle of roots around our feet
We're tied to each other and to the ground
And everything I learned turned out to be wrong
And the strong are so weak and the weak are so strong
We sat out on the balcony raking through through the ashes of our lives
With summer coming to an end, summer coming to an end
Inside the children sleeping, their hearts already torn by the world
And they are growing up so fast, heaven knows, they are growing up so fast
And there's a tangle of roots around our feet
We're tied to each other and to the ground
And everything I learned turned out to be wrong
And the strong are so weak and the weak are so strong
So under cover of the darkness the moon still laughing at the sun
You can't outshine me here
Remember that day forever, two million into one
Praying that love is stronger than fear, love can be stronger than fear
And there's a tangle of roots around our feet
We're tied to each other and to the ground
And everything I learned turned out to be wrong
And the strong are so weak and the weak are so strong