National Anthem - Brazil Native Anthem Text 歌词

Hino Nacional/National Anthem
The Brazilian National Anthem is sufficient grounds for the fame of its composer,
Francisco Manuel. Through its admirably
warm and spirited melody, it took its place as the national anthem before it was accorded
any official recognition. Various
changes made to it have not distorted its essence, though they have softened its martial
tone. Originally composed in a purely
orchestral version for military band, it has been the various texts which have been set to it,
especially that of Osrio Duque
Estrada in 1922, which have somewhat spoilt it.
The history of the anthem is the subject of controversy. In the view of some, it was
composed for Brazilian Independence,others
believe it was written for the 7th of April and performed on the 13th to a text attributed to
Ovdio Saraiva de Carvalho e Silva,
in which there are references to "a wise reign" and "a Brazilian monarch", the 7th of April
being taken as the dawn of Brazilian
liberty. A third view is that of Souza Pitanga and Ernesto Sena, supported by Alberto
Nepomuceno who writes: "In the same
year (1841), at perhaps the height of his career, Francisco Manuel composed the anthem
to celebrate the coronation of the
second Emperor of Brazil, showing himself to be a composer of great merit in this inspired
work, which still animates the
national soul today.
Decree No.15671 of the 6th of September 1922 officially adopted the words of Osrio
Duque Estrada, written in 1909, the
first version of it. Law No. 259 of the 1st of October 1936 prescribed the version of
Leopoldo Miguez for orchestral
performance, and the version by Lt. Antonio Pinto Junior of the Federal District Fire
Brigades, for military band, in the original
key of B Flat; and finally a version in F by Alberto Nepomuceno for singing:
Music: Francisco Manuel da Silva (1795-1865)
Verses: Joaquim Osrio Duque Estrada (1870-1927)
Ouviram do Ipirangas margens placidas
De um povo herico o brado retumbante,
E o sol da liberdade, em raios flgidos,
Brilhou no cu da Ptria nesse instante.
Se o penhor dessa igualdade
Conseguimos conquistar com brao forte,
Em teu seio liberdade,
Desafia o nosso peito a prpria morte!
Ptria amada
Salve! Salve!
Brasil de um sonho intenso, um raio vvido,
De amor e de esperana terra desce
Se em teu formoso cu risonho e lmpido
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece
Gigante pela prpria natureza
s belo, s forte, impvido colosso,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza,
Terra adorada!
Entre outras mil
s tu, Brasil,
Ptria amada
Dos filhos deste solo s me gentil,
Ptria amada
Deitado eternamente em bero esplndido,
ao som do mar e luz do cu profundo,
Fulguras, Brasil, floro da Amrica,
Iluminado ao sol do Novo Mundo!
Do que a terra mais garrida
Teus risonhos lindos campos tem mais flores,
"Nossos bosques tem mais vida"
"Nossa vida" no teu seio "mais amores"
Ptria amada
Salve! Salve!
Brasil, de amor eterno seja smbolo
O lbaro que ostentas estrelado,
E diga o verde-louro dessa flmula
- paz no futuro e glria no passado -
Mas se ergues da justia a clava forte,
Vers que um filho teu no foge luta,
Nem teme, quem te adora, a prpria morte,
Terra adorada!
Entre outras mil
s tu, Brasil,
Ptria amada
Dos filhos deste solo s me gentil
Ptria amada
Sent by Carlos Andr Pereira da Silva Branco
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