Kerion - The Gathering 歌词

incipit (21" - 38") :
Time has come for the ancient allies to meet again
Time has come for them to face the last threath of darkness
In the castle of the king Phagus
The gathering of the united lands is goin' to begin
1er couplet :
From the land where dragons fly / fly high!
From the town lost in the misty woods
Here come the glorious elves
The lords of the mystic
From the land where the nights fall / faster !
Than the sunlight shines over the hill
From the high snowy mountains
Comes the last hope of ... the dwarves people
2ème couplet :
From the land where sunfire / fire !
Browns the weeds and cracks this injured ground
From the black abyss of Hell
Come the last defeated war..riors
Thanks to the brave amazons / Goddess !
Thanks to the holy mighty griffins
They escaped from the bloody
Legions of Orcs and ... Evil black Elves
refrain (1'38" - 1'52") :
interlude (1'54" - 2'09") :
After having to listen to Kelvar the king taken word.
"I make a point of congratulating you and I thank you for your
precious help, we can trust you ! You have deserved your place among us!"
3ème couplet :
Olof (is) looking for (the) ones
Who'll stand and fight to save his owns
The elves promise to join
Him to free the sla..ves
When the black clouds precede the storm
Announcing the age of chaos
The old rancours are forgotten
United we 'll win the servants of Hell vae victis

refrain (2'35" - 2'49") :
interlude (2'52" - 3'05") :
Suddenly a keeper opened the door and a not awaited girl ran in the room.
"I'm the cleric Jenniss, Erwin the wizard sends to me to warn you !
Beware of the malefic necromancer !"

long interlude (3'52" - 4'20") :
At the end of the gathering, Flinnt the chosen-one of the elves people,
said to the warrior the truth about the tragic death of his beloved family.
After having massacred the villagers,
the warriors killed their green-skined allies and spread their corpses among the other victims.
But your father tore off the black pin of his attacker
and he hid it in his hand."He gave the pin to Kelvar and suggested to him going to Sephiria.
kelvar speaking (4'32" - 4'43") :

I swear to find your murderers !
I 'll fight till my last breath
I will avenge you !!!
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