Katie Herzig - Way To The Future 歌词

She could be, easy to find you see
She writes her songs, only for you to sing
She digs the words, out of the sky
She leaves them there, for you to find

The way that you love dear, the fate of the world you leave behind
A way to the future, making a moment built to last
You want to love well, now's your chance

You hear the beat, over the radio
You see the sea, satellite picture show
You take the words, out the sky
She left them there, for you to find

The way that you love dear, the fate of the world you leave behind
A way to the future, making a moment built to last
You want to love well, now's your chance

The way that you love dear, the fate of the world you leave behind
A way to the future, making a moment built to last
You want to love well, now's your chance
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