By a little twist of fate
You get soaked in to this lake
It welcomes you with warmeness
Gentle feeling of softness
Like a sun going down, escaping from you
You feel tired and worthless
Where there was a light, now is darkness
It's consuming you to the bone
The small crucial fragement of fate
Uniting two as one since the day
It comes so strong, so strong feel it is going to be everlasting
And you embrace it in your arms
Hold it dear
Never let it go, even the sun goes down
You open your eyes wide with fear
You are going to be alone again
Just empty shell
Empty, disposed
Crucial fragment of love
Lifting you high, so high above
Giving you a place to be at, something to hold on to
Until it all comes crashing down
Forcing you down on your knees
Down on your knees
Until you start to drown
By a little twist of fate you get soaked in this lake
(it welcomes you with warmness, gentle feeling of softness)
You're going to be alone again, empty, disposed, holding on
You fight for it, not wanting to lose
The harder you fight, the more you lose