She said let's go
I said hell, no,
I don't wanna be friends
She said kiss me,
I said miss me,
I don't wanna be friends
She said love me,
I said shove me,
I don't wanna be friends
She said near me,
Cant you hear me?
I don't wanna be friends
She said trust me,
What, so you can bust me?
I don't wanna be friends
I think I'm gonna do what I damn well please,
cause I don't wanna be friends
Maybe there will come a day when you and I can walk away, but I don't think so now
She said beg me,
What, so you can peg me?
I don't wanna be friends
Can't you get it through your thick, thick skull,
that I don't wanna be friends
She said hurt me,
I said squirt me,
I don't wanna be friends
I'm tired of taking s*** I do not deserve,
'cause I dont wnna be friends
Maybe there will come a day when I will change my mind, but I don't think so now
She said need me,
I said leave me,
I dont wanna be friends
She said hold me,
I said blow me,
I dont wanne be friends
She said let's go,
I said hell no,
I dont wanna be friends
She said hold me,
I said BLOW me,
I dont wanne be
there's no need to be,
I don't wanna be friends