There are dozens of traditional verses to this one. Which ones do you
know? Add them in and let's see how far we can get.
Come a' ye tramps and hawkers noo,
Ye gaitherers o'blaw
That tramps the countrie roun' an' roun'
Come lissen ane an' aw'
Ah'll tell tae you a rovin' tale
O sichts as Ah hae seen
Far up intae thae snawy north
An' sooth be Gretna Green.
Ah've seen the high Ben Lomond
a-towerin' tae the moon
Ah've been by Creiff and Callendar
and roond be bonnie Doune.
Ah've seen Loch Ness'es silvery tides,
And places ill tae ken:
Far up intae the snawy north
Lies Urquharts fairy glen.
It's aft Ah've laffed untae masel'
As Ah trudged alang the road
Wi' a bag o'blaw upon ma back
an' face as broun's a toad's.