The Cathedrals - The Last Sunday 歌词

The last Sunday, The last Sunday
Missus Jones does her knitting in the rocker by the window
As she watches kids at play across the street

Down the road and not too far, sitting at the corner bar
Mr. Daley buys a drink for Mrs. Sweet

While at 34th and Vine, in the car at the stop sign
Are the Smiths on their way to Sunday School

They both wave to Mr. Groat, who is bringing out his boat
He'll be staying at the lake a day or two

At a church near Valley Station
The preacher tells the congregation
About social acts and war and civil rights

While many in the subdivision
Sit and watch the television
Hoping that their favorite ball game wins the fight

The Last Sunday in Pleasant Valley township
A trumpet sounds, and the clouds all roll away
They all were warned, but they just did not believe it
The last Sunday, Jesus Christ has come again
The last Sunday, the last Sunday

The Bible says in Matthew 24
"But as the days of Noah were
So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be
For as in the days that were before the flood
They were eating and drinking
Marrying and giving in marriage
Until the day that Noah entered into the ark
And knew not until the flood came
And took them all away
So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be
Then shall two be in the fields
The one shall be taken, the other left
Two women shall be grinding in the mill
The one shall be taken and the other left
Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."

The last Sunday, The last Sunday
Missus Jones does her knitting in the rocker by the window
Wondering where are the kids across the street

Down the road and not too far, sitting at the corner bar
Mr. Daley buys a drink for Mrs. Sweet

While at 34th and Vine, in her car at the stop sign
Mrs. Smith wonders where her husband's gone
She cries out to Mr. Groat, who is cleaning out his boat
She exclaims "What on earth is going on?"

At the church near Valley Station
There's less than half the congregation
And the preacher stands and trembles at the sight

While many in the subdivision sit and watch the television
Hoping that their favorite ball team wins the fight

The last Sunday, in Pleasant Valley township
A trumpet sounds, and the clouds all roll away
They all were warned, but they just did not believe it
The last Sunday, Jesus Christ has come again
The last Sunday, the last Sunday -
And the crowds all roll away
They all were warned
Jesus Christ has come again

Jesus Christ has come again
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