Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
Steadfast in His presence.
Rest assured there's a place the saints will gather.
To sing the song of victory.
How blind was I,
But now I see, the love of the Father was offered to me.
How blind was I,
To never see, but now these eyes are open.
We will bear these crosses and walk right through,
These oceans layed open only by You.
How many times I failed to see You right there with me.
We are the saints who follow after You.
Sinners who have been restored.
We're spinning backwards.
Oh my God, falling further from You.
And we are dead and decaying,
So we cry out to You.
Lord, I am dead and decaying.
I cry out to You.
We're on our knees,
We're crying out to You.
We're on our knees,
Lord bring us home.
We're still holding on.
After all of this is gone.
We are all alone.
We're still holding on.
You're so alone.
We're burning the only redemption we have left.