And his glance fell on the pale man
A rider without shadow or constant form
Gliding over the ground without moving a limb
Paralyzing everything on his way
Speechless but his eyes replaced with the chaos of birth
Telling stories of a universe in wait for the great beast
…Whispers of echoes passed, whispers of chaos reborn…
Imitate the deaf to withstand the echoes of time
Wander eye folded to escape the eyes of the grotesque
Shadows fall and paint Khelduria in shades of grey
Thilion lurks behind the clouds, afraid to face the defaced
Failing to caress the ground - Paralyzed for hours to come
Speechless but his eyes replaced with the chaos of birth
Telling stories of a universe in wait for the great beast
…Whispers of echoes passed, whispers of chaos reborn
Together they walk into the riders domains, all covered in a bleak light
Among his creation he wanders, trying to inherit every particle there
And finally the wisdom comes to mind, killing Archtule will release the storm
So with the silver dagger, prepared with the water of Magnion, he cuts open the deformed
skin and let his soul go free. A mysterious smile touches his lips, and Aarion knew that he
finally could see.