Axis Powers Hetalia - Always With You... Nordic Five! 歌词
Denmark: ora minna hokuou kara genki wo todoke ppe
Iceland: aisurando
Norway: noruwee
Denmark: denmaaku
Sweden: suweeden
Finland: boku, finrando
Sweden: n?
Finland: ohyaaaa!
Denmark: yatto orera no deban dakara yo, koko wa kaggo yoku kime ppe
Finland: sou desu nee, bokura zutto tanoshimi ni shiteitan desu yo. nee, su-san
Sweden: n. chitto...mittagu nee
Iceland: boku, kono aida no kyoku de, pafin ni hobo nottorareta kara. kyou wa oite kita
Finland: eeeee
Norway: tega...nande anko to issho nano sa?
Denmark: yosshi iku be
Iceland: kyou mo shizen ga yondeiru
Iceland and finland: bokutachi youroppa no kitagawa tantou
(denmark: tantou dabe!)
Sweden: taiyou wa nobottekuruge jjomo
Denmark and sweden: tamani shizumanai kotomoaru
(norway: byakuya tteiunzu.)
Norway: moshimo anata ga komattara
Iceland and finland: itsudemo yonde-
Iceland: -kudasai
Finland: kudasai ne
All: sabishii toki wa soba ni ite!
(norway: izzumo isshodabesa.)
All: kurushii toki wa wakachiau!
(iceland: boku de ii?)
All: kanashii toki wa yakezake!
(denmark: yosshi nonbe)
Denmark: hore dandan genki ni nattekuppeyo!
Norway: oi, oniichan ttsu yakusoku, mada hatasutenee beya
Iceland: nande ima sore? imi wakannai, iwanai
Sweden: in de ne?
Iceland: chotto suvi
Finland: ii naa boku mo oniichan tte yobarete mitai desu
Denmark: nanda omeera maada sore yatten no ke?
Norway: oniichan
Iceland: shiranai
Norway: oniichan
Iceland: iwanai
Norway: oneechan
Iceland: "imi wakannai
Denmark: oi, hajima ppe yo
Denmark: feroushotou, guriinrando
Denmark and finland: oorandoshotou mo nakama
Denmark: dabbe
Finland: desu yo
(sweden: eena)
Iceland: hyouga ni yoru shinshoku ni yotte
Iceland and sweden: dekita gizagiza no irie
(norway: fiyorudo tteiunzu)
Norway: moshimo anata ga mayottara
Denmark and sweden: itsudemo dokodemo
Denmark: yonbeyo!
Sweden: uchi ni ko
All: nichiyoudaiku de komattara
(sweden: tsukutteyanbe…)
All: petto no namae nayandara
(finland: boku ga tsukemasu)
All: mono ga urenai sono toki wa
(denmark: ore no deban dappee)
Iceland: nee
(finland: ehe)
All: bokutachi no miryoku tsutawatta?