I have got a heart to heal,
I carried it beyond the hill,
And over every farm and field I strode,
It did know another once,
And flew like birds of outer banks,
When bound unto that sounder heart's abode.
I have got a heart to heal I moan,
I have got a heart to heal I know.
I was in the ever greens,
Beyond the birch and ginsom weed,
When the breeze blew a seedling and a kite,
And now I'm in a strange hotel,
I'm hearing voices through the wall,
Rising from the poisoned well tonight.
I have got a heart to heal I moan,
I have got a heart to hearl I know.
On a west-end crested bute,
Fell a cannary and a boot,
A lute, a fruited prairy and a stone,
You you have and iron will,
Rings of gold and nerves of steel,
What key'll deal the card or crack the code.