Steven Childs Pennamen - Seek First Тексты

Ask, He will give
Seek the Kingdom of Heaven
Knock it will be open for you
Those who ask receive, he that seeks finds it
To those who knock, He will open to these
Store for yourselves treasures in Heaven
Where your treasure is there is your heart and thoughts

Seek First the Kingdom of God
And his righteousness
And all things will be added to you
Faith is total confidence
In the provision of God
Everything we need for success
Has been promised to us

Straight is the gate,and narrow the way
That leads to life, but few will find it
Not everyone who says Lord, Lord
Enters the Kingdom of Heaven
Only those who do the will of the Father in Heaven
Many will say in that day Lord, Lord
We prophesied in your name
We did miracles and cast out devils
He will say to these, I never knew you
Those things you did were not of me

Seek First the Kingdom of God
And his righteousness
And all things will be added to you
Faith is total confidence
In the provision of God
Everything we need for success
Has been promised to us

Through the teachings of Christ
Obey and be wise, build your life on him
A sure foundation
The way, the truth and the life
Is Jesus Christ
He's the Lord our God, our Salvation

Seek First the Kingdom of God
And his righteousness
And all things will be added to you
Faith is total confidence
In the provision of God
Everything we need for success
Has been promised to us

Ask and receive
Seek you will find it
Knock the door is open
For you and me, believe
Jesus is coming.....
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