Better Without Me
I like you better without me
My heart isn't there
I like to see you and hold you
And know that you're there
I see you are better
All big and grown up
You got popular and famous
And I just suck
Now that, you love me again
this is the sure deal to our end
You are handsome and great
but not my cake
I just need someone older
one with my age
You're getting mature
I wish I was too
But you're irrational
and I am too
And I'm awake
I know who I am
I know what I live for
and what I stand
I stand by my Word
I stand by my heart
I know you're practical
But I guess I'm not
Who are you
to know what I want
How are you sure
That I am the one
I know what I live for
I know what I want
I dont want you
You're just too much