We are a royal priesthood
Called to show forth the praises of him who called us
Out of darkness into his wondrous light
So let's put on our robes, get ready to celebrate
It's a Christian party, play some music and let us celebrate

Chorus 1:
With a hand of victory clap clap
With a voice of singing shout loud
Celebration time
With a merry heart express your joy
Move from left to right back and forward, turn around
And everybody shout O (celebrate) 2x

Chorus 2:
Lift up your hands it's celebration time
We gonna dance for all he's done for us
Raise up your glass and let us make a toast
Drinking and partying for the lord

Play the music louder and louder
Jesus came to set us free, we are free indeed
Freedom, freedom at last we celebrate O
Nothing else tonight really matters
We just wanna dance to the rhythm as it goes
Wear a smile and let's keep the party going

Chorus 1 spanish;
Con una mano de la Victoria clap clap
Con una voz de cantar gritar
Con un Corazon
Alegre expresar su alegria
Moverse de atras a adelantes, giro de vuelta
Todo vocifera O 2x. (Celebra, festerjar)

Chorus 2:
Lift up your hands it's celebration time
We gonna dance for all he's done for us
Raise up your glass and let us make a toast
Drinking and partying for the lord

ENGLISH; {Keep shaking and clapping and laughing and shouting
Make some noise} 2x
He came and he bled and he died and he rose up
For your sake
So be glad and rejoice and lift up your voice and scream

SPANISH;{ mantener, y balaindo y riendo y gritando
Hacer algo de ruido}2x
El vino y salirse y dado, levanter port u bien
Ir bueno jubilar levanter la voz y grito

Chorus 2:
Lift up your hands it's celebration time
We gonna dance for all he's done for us
Raise up your glass and let us make a toast
Drinking and partying for the lord
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