Mariza - Maria Lisboa Тексты

É varina, usa chinela,
Tem movimentos de gata
Na canastra, a caravela,
No coração, a fragata

Em vez de corvos no xaile
Gaivotas vêm pousar
Quando o vento a leva ao baile,
Baila no baile com o mar

É de conchas o vestido
Tem algas na cabeleira
E nas veias o latido
Do motor duma traineira

Vende sonho e maresia,
Tempestades apregoa,
Seu nome próprio - maria,
Seu apelido - lisboa

Sprzedawczyni ryb, w klapkach
w ruchach podobna do kota
Kosz ryb jak karawela
Ale w sercu fregata

Zamiast kruków na welonie
Mewy przybyły odpocząć
Gdy wiatr zaprasza do tańca
Tanczy go z morzem

Z morskich muszli ma sukienkę
I wodorosty we wosach
A w jej żyłach warczy
Silnik starego trawlera

Sprzedaje sny i sól morską
Ogłasza sztormy co idą
Jej pierwsze imię Maria
A na nazwisko Lisboa
(she) is a varina (1), and wears chinela (2)
she) moves like a cat
In the basket, (she carries) the caravel
in her heart, (she carries) the frigate

Instead of ravens on the shawl
sea-gulls came to lay down.
When the wind takes her to the ball
(she) dances at the ball with the see.

(her) dress is made of shells
(she) has seaweed on her hair
And in her veins, (has) the bark
of the engine of a traineira (4).

(she) sells dreams and the smell of the sea
(she) announces (5) storms
her first name: Maria
Her surname: Lisboa

1 - Varina: a woman that sells fish
2 - Chinela: old shoe, a kind of slipper
3 - Canastra: a basket of thin strips of wood. The women carried this kind of basket, sometimes on their heads, when they went on to the streets to sell fish
4 - Traineira: traditional boat for fishing
5 - Apregoa/announces: the verb is apregoar - to announce with a cry (the women did it to announce the fish they were selling)

Raven: this is the symbol of Lisbon, because of the legend of Saint Anthony.
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