Love Never Dies - Dear Old Friends Тексты

5, 6, a-5, 6, 7, 8

Bathing beauty, on the beach
Bathing beauty, say hello
What a cutie, what a peach
Bathing beauty, watch her go

Alright, Meg, take 5, girls, take it one more time
Bathin beauty, on the beach...
Very nice, Meg!
Do you think so, mother, realy?
You've come a long way since the beginning of the season

Does he agree?
It's been three months, he never comes to see the show
Even a word from him, just one

You may get more than that
He has been composing again, late at night
Not this cheap Vaudeville trash, something glorious

For, for me?

Continue to work hard
Make yourself useful to him


Patience, Gustave, first I must find the stage manager
My dressing room, the musical director

Then we'll go look for our friend and go see the island?

I'm sure he'll send for you when he's ready
Well, excuse me, miss, would you mind?

Heaven help me, could it be?
No, it couldn't possibly

Sorry, do I?
Yes, I think you do!
Have we?
Go on, take a guess!
Wait, it can't be! Is it?
Oh my God, I can't believe it's you!

Look at you, Christine!
Regal as a queen and beautiful!

Meg, and you as well!
I could hardly tell it's you!

My dear old friend!
Can't believe you're here old friend!

After all this time!
So glad you came!
You look... sublime!
You look the same!
My sweet old friend,
Never thought we'd meet, old friend!
Look at you, a star!
And you, a wife!
And isn't life a splendid thing?
And here we are
Too see the sights!
And sing.
To... sing?
And of course, as a treat for my son. Meg, meet Gustave.
Who hired you to sing here?


(... and right past her, astonished at another figure who has just appeared.)

It can't be you!
Is this a jest?
How can this be?
We've come to work.
At whose request?
The contract's here.
I want to see! (opens, skims)
My God, the price.
It's rather high.
Why, it's absurd!

Oh, yes, I know.
Inform your boss that,
By the by,
The fee goes up,
Or else we go.

My dear old friend,
Here's how things appear, old friend

He who pays the bill
Times two or three.
Be sure he will.
And handsomely.

And dear old friend,
Now that we are clear, old friend

That's all very well,
But 'till you're gone you'll wait Upon my boss's whim.

Ah yes, your boss
And who is that?

It's him.

(The focus turns back to Meg and Christine.)

Sorry, did I hear you right?
Here to sing?

Tomorrow night.
I'm afraid there must be some mistake.
You can't be performing.


Mainly, dear, 'cause so am I.
I'm in fact the star, for heaven's sake!
What are you to sing?

Just one little thing, an aria.

Please, you needn't fret,
I'm sure you will get your due...

(Back to Madame Giry and Raoul.)

That's what I said.
You work for him?
Now so do you.
And my poor wife
We thought him dead!
She'll be appalled!

Unless she knew.

(Raoul is thunderstruck. He storms over to Christine.)

Darling, please, are you all right?

Tell me now! That music!
Who was its creator?

Darling, please, don't squeeze so tight.

Something's going on here
I'll deal with you later

(As they confer, Meg and Madame Giry have their own whispered colloquy.)

Did you know?

How could I know?
Why would they come?

Why won't they go?

(All four catch each others' eyes and immediately regain their social graces.)

My dear old friends!
Can't believe you're here, old friend!

Dear old friend!
Such good friend!

Speaking as your host
As an artiste
What a surprise
To say the least
Yes, dear old friend,
That's a happy tear, old friend!
I can't conceal,
Try though I may,
The way I feel,
So why pretend?
I'm sure it's clear, to such a dear old friend!

You mustn't stay!
Why would I leave?
Why are we here?
Don't play naive!

What dear old friends!
Don't we all revere old friends!

Nothing has been changed.

And never will.
Just rearranged.

And yet we're still such grand old friends,
Such devoted and old friends!
Words could not suggest what's in my heart
And for the rest?
Why even start?

You're dear old friends
(dear old friends!),
So much more thean mere old friends!
(such true friends!)
Old friends back again at last
(back again),
With everyone
Isn't this great!
(god it's great!)
Won't this be fun!
(so much fun!)
With dear old friends
Utterly sincere old friends!

Honey, break a leg.
Madame, good day.

Enjoy your stay.
Hope it extends.

So glad you're here our lovely dear old friends!
Old friends!
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