Laibach - Sauerkraut Тексты


And if you only listen vot I'm going to spoke about
I'm going fer to tell you how to made de sauerkraut
It isn't made of leather as many one supposes
But oh de little flower which we call de cabbage roses

Sauerkraut is bully; Oh sauerkraut is fine
Sauerkraut is bully; Oh sauerkraut is fine
Sauerkraut is bully; Oh sauerkraut is fine
Dinks you aught to knows it when I eats it all the time

When de cabbage is a rowing yust as nice as can be
We takes it and we cuts it in a big a porcapee
Puts it in the kettle and stomps it mit our feet
Stomps it oh, we stomps it till we make it good and sweet


We puts in plenty of salt but we don't puts in no snuff
Nor any cayenne pepper nor any other stuffs
Puts it in a barrel till it begins to smell
Help me gracious hant it nice de rich gal likes so well?

Now when it begins to smell
And can't smell any smeller
We takes it from dat barrel
Vay down upin de cellar
Puts it in de kettle mit speck
When it begins to bile
Help me gracious you can smell it
Fifty thousand mile.


Speck is bacon in German.
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