They're never silent, the seas, on which we sail. Longing for distant shores
we cannot find. The weather's bad and we need shelter. But our captain sails
on and on. I dare you God to challenge me. On these wild and stormy seas. I
challenge you to shink this ship. But your powers weak and I will win. And
then a spirit appears on deck. The captain he commands 'Leave this ship'. The
spirit remains frozen, the captain shoots. But his gun explodes in his hands.
The spirit laughs. I curse thee captain. And your ship to wander the earth.
And all the souls you'll ever engage. Won't live long enough to tell the tale.
[lead - Jens]
From the ivory coast to the West indies I've sailed. And I was there to ship
the slaves to their destiny. The seas have never been too rough for me. But
this time I must admit it's beyond insanity. I dare you God to challenge me.
On these wild and stormy seas. A spirit spoke, a spirit cursed this ship. To
dwell eternaly. THe spirits of the universe have gathered to watch me bleed.
And when this curse will ever leave I don't know. I never believed in demons
or in witchery. Well they are here they've taken my soul.
I dare you God to challenge me. On these wild and stormy seas. A spirit spoke,
a spirit cursed this ship. To dwell eternaly. Across the seven seas, she
dwells eternally. Acros the seven seas, she dwells eternaly. Help me, join me.
On my endless voyage.