Sittting down here watching the ocean waves
All I have are memories of you
Pictures of you come into my mind
Pictures I remembered a thousand times
I remember all the places we've been
Being with you was like dancing with the universe
I have no regrets
I lived every moment
Together we made time to stop
Our love was so strong
Even the moon and stars could feel your soul
Yes, love can come!
Our love was so strong
How could be this something wrong?
Love can come and love can go...
Now all we have is this eternal memory
That somehow bring me the past that still live on today
I have no regrets
I lived every moment
Together we made time to stop
Our love was so strong
Even the moon and stars could feel your soul
Yes, love can come!
Our love was so strong
How could be this something wrong?
Love can come and love can go...