Genius Rock Opera - Toy Warehouse Тексты

Toy Warehouse
Darkness fell around the two friends. After Genius and Twinspirit 32 had crossed the old oak image, a dark underworld appeared in front of them. They knew that the little prince was there, hidden in one of those warehouses filling out that dark place, but they soon realized they were in front of a huge maze, full of an infinite number of fantasy warehouses. Now... Which one was the toy warehouse?

I wish you had remained...

Where is the toy warehouse?
You must find it!
Where is the toy warehouse?
Genius you must run fast and find it!
Where's the toy warehouse?

Running through this maze full of a thousand ways
my tired mind seems to blow away
I feel it should be not too far from here
we are getting close to our prince!

I have never seen such an endless place
I can't see the end of these dark halls
I feel lost in this huge infinity
how can we find the right path?

I know we're close!
We just can't give up right now!
What should we do?
We have to hurry up!

Where is the toy warehouse?
The toy warehouse!
Where is the toy warehouse?
Yeah! We must find the toy warehouse!
We must find it! Where's the toy warehouse?

All the things you see stored in all these shelves
are just libraries to create dreams
the items that are used will then be destroyed to preserve their uniqueness!
You see?

What a thrill for me!
Here I can see things that the humans have never seen before!
Will I ever be able to come back
and remember what I saw?

Hey! Take a look at that funny colored store!
Aren't those toys?
Let's run over there!

Is that the toy warehouse?
The toy warehouse!
Is that the toy warehouse?
Yeah! We must find the toy warehouse!
We must find it! Where is the toy warehouse?

As we get near the colors and noises are clear!
I think you are right
that's what we've been searching for!
Look over there!
Thousands of colourful toys
We've found
The toy warehouse!
The toy ware house!
We've found the toy warehouse!
Yeah! We have found the toy warehouse!
We have found it!
We've found the toy warehouse!

Wow! Look at all those toys!
Wow! Look at all those toys!
Ha ha ha! Ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Hey daddy! Where's the toy warehouse?
Ha ha!
Ha ha!
Wow! Look at those toys!
Ha ha!

They were right. That was the Asian toy warehouse! A huge quantity of toy fantasies of every kind were displayed on the shelves and since it was Christmas time many of them were quickly disappearing and being used for the creation of dreams. Meanwhile, a new commander was nominated by Maindream to lead the European Dream League Force, in order to terminate Twinspirit 32. It's name was Apikor. He reached the Dream League headquarters with the intent to understand why they had failed to terminate the twinspirit and to explain a new secret plan for capturing them
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