Anaesthetizing vapours invading your brain
The feeling of complecency is there again
First you are tipsy, then on the go
When alcohol pleasures takes care of you
Sittin' there so cool
The world melts away
Time is running slow
Where are the problems you had yesterday ?
This is your one man show
Why ? - Can't you say no ?
Life - Has come for you
Escape - From reality
Sanity - Is Etanolic Intoxication
The poison mutants in your blood
Your liver soon will shrink
Dorniered by death machine
Your bowels scream for more to drink
Toxic liquid will decay your veins
Apatheience in your eyes
Paroxysm will turn you insane
Time is here for you agonize
Uncontrolled need, proverty life
Prisoner within yourself inturned
Your body to the deadly vapours
Demise, why are you not concerned ?