Excalibur - The Luxury Of a Grave Тексты

On Day Zero My Mother Was Expecting... the Worst
And Out of My Father's Ass I Was Born, Feet First

"Oh, No"

The Most Horrendous Piece of Feces Ever Forced
To Be Disposed of Is What I Was Created For

Oh, No... (I'm Sorry That I Was Born) ...so Wrong!

When Death Releases You From Me
Just Dump My Foul Remains On Some Near-by Field
- I Don't Deserve a Grave
When You Finally Get Rid of Me
Just Let My Corpse Decay ...unburied
- I do Not Deserve the Luxury of a Grave

My Worthlessness Is Something There Is no Doubt Of:
- I Am a Waste of the Filth I Was Made Out Of

How Low... (I'm Sorry I'm Still Alive) ...can I Go!?

When Death Releases You From Me
Just Dump My Foul Remains On Some Near-by Field
- I Don't Deserve a Grave
When You Finally Get Rid of Me
Just Let My Corpse Decay ...unburied
- I do Not Deserve the Luxury Of...

Oh, No... a Coffin Would Be Way Too Nice
Oh, No... a See-through Plastic Bag Will do Just Fine

When Death Releases You From Me
Just Dump My Foul Remains On Some Near-by Field
- I Don't Deserve a Grave
When You Finally Get Rid of Me
Just Let My Corpse Decay ...unburied
- I do Not Deserve the Luxury of a Grave
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