Equestrian Lord - Canterlot's Fall Тексты

Beyond the pale horizon
An evil shall rise
A heart, cold and black
As the pits of tartarus
And fire in its eyes

Canterlot shall fall
Its loyal subjects
Drowning in their blood
Canterlot shall fall
A swift demise
A deadly, cleansing flood

Turn your head up to the blackening sky
Drawing near, my evil forces rise

Behold, we shall take control
Ascend unto the throne
Celestia will bow before me
Her subjects shall serve me, and me alone

Shining Armor's forces
Stand no chance against my wrath
Equestria is mine
I shall strike down those in my path

Gather up your best defenses
Make a final stand
But it's no use I'm in control
You'll all die by my spiteful hand
The burning sky, the charred remains
The rancid smell of death and burnt decay
Your faithful student shall now become my slave

"They came through the early morning mist
Black shadowed stallions,
Their marks of which spoke of death
Fire did rain from the sky
The seas boiled and the earth shook
Pools of crimson seeped into the ground
As celestia's soldiers fell dead"

The battle has been lost
Or so it may seem
Silence screams across the war-torn fields
The princess has fallen, her powers slowly fade
The castle falls and crumbles down the mountainside
Rise from the ashes, like a phoenix born anew
Reclaim the land and bring peace once again
Gather up the elements, and fight the evil force
In the end, our magic will prevail
It will prevail

Back to the shadows
From whence they came
Equestria is ours once again

And so now ends the tale
Of bloodshed and misery
An ancient page in a book
From a vanished time
Indifferent to you or me
Canterlot has since rebuilt
And all is well under celestia's sun
The war is done, the tides have turned
Equestria still carries on
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