Emma Lahana - Wherever You Look Love's There Тексты

I have a secret that I let nobody see
An evil shadow that's been hanging over me
My alter ego that I try to hold at bay
But despite my good intentions he can always get away
He does the things that I don't want to do

Sometimes I feel like Jekyll and Hyde
Two men are fighting a war inside

I have a secret that I let nobody see
It's like a split personality
And the one I feed is the one who lives
The one I starve will be the one who gives
He won't do things that I know I should do

Sometimes I feel like Jekyll and Hyde
Two men are fighting a war inside
One gives, one takes, I have to decide
Sometimes, I feel like... Jekyll and Hyde!

I need somebody to rescue me
When personalities clash
I know which person I want to be
With no defiance - just God reliance!

Till Everything I Do - mp3 - real
Autor: Bob Hartman

I could never hide away in a place that You won't see
Caught between the way I am and the way I want to be
You can take away the mask that hides the man inside
You illuminate the ways of darkness I denied

And even though You see
You keep on lifting me...

Till everything I do I do for You
Through every test of faith You take me through
Till every path I take is straight and true
Till everything I do I do for You

One by one you chip away at the edges of my heart
Till You see the hardness and the willfulness depart

You let me see my pride
Then pull me to Your side

Though I grow closer to the image You intend for me
I won't be all I'm meant to be
Till face to face I see

I Will Seek You
Autor: Bob Hartman

Living water - I am thirsty and dry
Bread of heaven - only You satisfy
I am waiting for Your comfort and peace
Come and fill me, let this emptiness cease

I will seek You
I will find You
I will follow what I know is true
I will seek You
Like I used to
I will worship You

You are Holy, You're a wonder to me
In creation I see Your majesty
You are worthy to receive all my praise
I will serve You for the rest of my days

Speak to me and I will listen
(Give me the call and point the way)
Lead me on and I will follow
(Hearing Your Word I will obey)

Perfect World
Autor: Bob Hartman

Some believe this world is bound to get much better
They think utopia is just around the bend
They'd like humanity to come up with the answers
So they can keep their heads safely buried in the sand

This is my Father's world and He can fix it
Our hopeless band-aids are all counterfeit

In a perfect world God's throne will come
In a perfect world - in a perfect world
In a perfect world ruled by His Son
In a perfect world - in a perfect world

Some still worship Mother Nature in her glory
They do a good thing when they stand up for her right
But Mother Nature has a Father in the heavens
And His creation went astray but never left His sight

The old will pass away and bring a new birth
A whole new heaven and a new earth

Kingdom come
His will be done
On the earth
As it is in heaven
Till we come to where there is no night
And the Lord Himself will be our light

All About Who You Know
Autor: Bob Hartman

You are tied-in and networked
You've got people to see
You have friends in high places
You've got places to be
You've had plenty of time to make your mark
You've been able to get things done
All the white shirts will take your calls
You really had quite a run
Who can you turn to
When your life is behind you?

It's all about who you know
It's all about who you know
When you get to the end and you've got nothing to show
It's all about who you know
It's all about who you know

You have learned how to pull strings
And call in a favor or two
You have found some ways to spend your time
Instead of with "you know who"
There's only one name
You can call on without blame

It's all about who you know
It's all about who you know
When you get to the end and you've got nothing to show
It's all about who you know
It's all about who you know

Some may wonder where, when, if not, how
There's no worry if you know Him now

It's all about who you know
It's all about who you know
Nothing we do here below
Is gonna save us 'cause it's
All about who you know

Autor: Bob Hartman

You had a blank stare - there in your easy chair
You watched as things got out of hand
But now your eyes blink and you begin to think
Of what could happen if you stand
You think about the ground you might have lost in this round
Your eyes are open to the things that had you bound
And then you rise up from your sleep and put your foot down
You take one final grasp of air before you drown and take a...

Stand having done all this
Stand with emphasis
Stand no analysis
Even when you don't understand
Put your armor on
Stand on the foundation
Stand rely upon
The strength that has always been there

And now you stand firm -but not on your own terms
We have no power all alone
But you can feel safe there with your shield of faith
The inner strength in you has grown
And when you draw your sword the enemy is fair game
We're more than conquerors in Jesus' name so take a...

Stand all alone if there's no one around you
Stand on your own
Stand through the night - wait for the morning to bring you the strength
To finish the fight
Stand up tall - stand or fall
Stand your ground - don't stand down
Stand connected - stand corrected
Stand in faith - stand elected

Sacred Trust
Autor: Bob Hartman

You never tried to win more secular appeal
And water down Your message with a slightly different feel
You never tried to be politically correct
Or skirt around the issues attempting to connect

You spoke the truth in love so faithfully
You expect no less from me

(It's a)
Sacred Trust that You gave to us
To take Your word into all the world (It's a)
Sacred Trust that You gave to us
The message of salvation and Your love

You never shied away from critical debate
Or beat around the bushes when discussing human fate
You weren't ashamed to tell them who your Father was
Never ran from persecution like human nature does

You prayed for all believers on your knees
Then you handed us the keys

You're trusting us to be bold
The story has to be told
To every nation and tongue
Young and old
I'm gonna shout from the hill
How could I ever be still?
I'm gonna let the chips fall
Where they will

Test Of Time
Autor: Bob Hartman

One moment gone into the past
The here and now will never last
You've made the most of your design
You've walked alone
You held the line
That's when you know you've passed
The test of time

The time has come the time has gone
The time is now but not for long
Before you take a second glance
Redeem the time and take a chance
It's not too late to pass...

The test of time
And the time is passing every moment that you take
The test of time
It's the test of choices that you have to make
It's what you're doing and how you're livin'
It's how you're spending the time you're given
The test of time

Tomorrow is a chance that may not come
Today is still the day God gives us
To see things done
Your own test of time has begun

Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda
Autor: Bob Hartman e Greg Bailey

Life is filled with many chances
Some you took and some you blew
Your path in life can turn ever so quickly on...
On everything you say
And change with everything you do
I know that was then
There's nothing I can do about what might have been

Woulda, shoulda, coulda done this and that
Don't want to live life with another regret
Woulda, shoulda, coulda made another choice
I can see more the older I get
Woulda, shoulda, coulda said something more
But it's too late - there's a knock at the door
Woulda, shoulda, coulda won't change a thing
The here and now is waiting
Woulda, shoulda, coulda right now

We dig our pit we make our bed
That's where we fall and where we lay
But we still have a shot to make things better
'Cause it ain't over yet
And we can get it right today
We can make the right choice
You know it's easy when you hear God's voice

I want to live my life not only thinking of the past
The future tells me that my lot has not been cast
I want to say I will, I did, instead of could or should
Gonna believe in the promise "It's all good
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