The clock is ticking away, Our civilization rots each and every day! Don't sit around and wait for signs when every ten seconds another white baby dies! The greatest crime that goes untold is not the murder of our people, but of the Aryan soul! Night after night, day after day- Brainwashed belief that we can't make a difference anyway!
It's our Race against time…!
Like the Phoenix that rise from the ashes so must the radical minds from the masses! The spirit unite with body and mind regrasp our hold in these latter day times! No fear of jail, no fear of death-The world on our backs-the power of Christ at our breast! Stand up like men through the toil and scum-We are the battleaxe and weapons of war!
Hate the evil-Love the good! Hate the evil-Love the good! Hate the evil-Love the good! Hate the evil-Love the good!
It's my love that fuels my hate-An everlasting flame burns hotter everyday! Faith, hope and grace - forged will of steel-Plunge the sword of great truth into Babylon's gears!
It's our Race against time-Choice is not yours or mine! One final solution-Kill the source of the pollution!
Race against time! Race against time - fight or die!