Cock Sparrer - Riot Squad Тексты

When we were at school I thought he had it sussed
Fighting the law with the rest of us
Smoking, drinking, acting cool.
('Til) they started treating him like a fool
Then he stayed on his own for most of the time
Dreaming dreams of a life of crime
In and out of trouble, he cheated and lied
But who'd have thought he'd join the other side

He's in a riot squad
The wanna fight squad
The shoot on sight squad
For law and right

Down to Hendon with the boys in blue
It's amazing what a few weeks can do
Out in the car, out on the street
South of the river on the frontline beat


Cracking heads, it was all a game
A finger was pointed and he got the blame
Now he's back where he started, he ain't got a pound
Queing with the sorts he used to kick around.

[Chorus repeat...]
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