Castrum - Brand Тексты

...In the small german Wuerzburg
One hundred and fifty-seven witches
Were burnt at the stake from 1627 to 1629...

CARNAGE - In Wuerzburg - Brand
Stakes on the impure land

When the dying sun goes down,
Hate will rise by law,
Tortured victims in the flames -
Godless revel of human race

Carbonized bodies - Holy Inquisition - Demise
Blinding fires - Glorification - Smiles

Mesmerized eyes - Silent Supplication - Cries
Necrotized hexes - Bad Indoctrination - Lies

When the bloody moon goes down,
Hate will fall by dawn,
Ashes on the Square of Shame,
From a cursed town Who is to Blame ?
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