Si - ar na ghaoithe
I once hear the sweet sound of their singing
As i rode in the night
Si - ar an moin
I once saw the strange forms of their dancing
Then rode on again
Feach aris ar na daoine si
Look once again on a people who died
Eist aris le tuatha de danann
Listen again to the music that cried
Come with us, horse of black, way and away
Dance with us human child, way and away
I... i had to stray and away
Why, i tell you why
Fairy cried
Touched me deep inside
Lost in time
Wee, the bonny lad
He's alive
They have sent him home
Shidh - i mo bhronach
I have ridden away from their dancing
They ride with me still
Shidh - i mo chlairseach
I have heard the sweet sound of their singing
They ride with me in my heart
Feach aris ar na daoine si
Look once again on a people who died
Eist aris le tuatha de danann
Listen again to the music that cried
Come with us, horse of black, way and away
Dance with us human child, way and away
I, i had to stray and away
Why, i tell you why
Fairy cried
Touched me deep inside
Lost in time
I, the horseman ride
Through the night
I still search in vain