Mourn Code - From Ear To Ear (Confession From a Deranged Mind) Şarkı Sözleri
There is a house that stands alone
Not far from where I took him
I stripped him and tied his hands and feet
And gagged him with a piece of dirty rag
Cut one of my belts in half
I whipped his bare behind
Until the blood ran from his legs
I cut off his ears and nose
Sliced his mouth from ear to ear
Gougged out his eyes
He was dead by then
I stuck the knife to his belly
Held my mouth to his body
And drank his blood
I cut him up
I had a grip with me
I put his nose, ears and a few silces of his belly in the grip
Then I cut him through the middle of his body
Then through his legs about two inches below his behind
I cut off the head, feet, arms, hands and the legs below the knee
I had the front of his body I liked best
To roast it in the oven and eat
I ate every piece of the meat in about four days
His little cock was as sweet as a nut
But His balls I could not chew
Then I threw them in the toilet