Got my dancin' pants - now I'm gonna dance
Won't you come along - dancing to this song
Let's try this and see - moving with our feet
Do it after me - counting to the beat
1 2 3 and 4 - come on let's count some more
5 6 7 and 8 - oh yeah we're dancing great
Skit the skat - Move like that
Zippety bop - shoo sh'boom
Let's all move and groove across the room
Hands float through the air - climbing up a tree
Slowly turn around - clap your hands with me
Feet stuck on the floor - then we move our knees
Moving back and forth - dancin' to the beat
1 2 3 and 4 - come on let's count some more
5 6 7 8 and 9 - let's try something new this time
Bump the bump - tip your hat - Zibbedy bop -
shoo sh'boom
Let's all move and groove across the room
If you wanna dance - grab your dancin' pants
Do your belt up tight - now you're dancin' right
Kick your feet up high - try and touch the sky
Shake shake shake your hair - shout out loud - yeah yeah yeah
1 2 3 and 4 - come on let's count some more
5 6 7 8 9 10 - put it all together again
Skit the skat - move like that
Bump the bump -tip the hat
Zabbedy bop - shoo sh'boom
Let's all move and groove across the room