I'm waiting for the power of redness
I'm waiting for the sweetness of blood...
I'm running away from the day
So I can love at night
So I can taste the redness of blood
To learn immortality
And give freedom
I run away each night
To live through frenzy of day
To soothen the bitterness of the sun
And I ask you, every night
Bitten by the lightnings' anger
To stay here longer
I'm diffrent during the day
My heart beats another way
Others call it a stone
The drops of my blood
I gave to the light of night
I'm diffrent during the day
I'm blessed by six crowns
I am the key
The drops of my blood
I gave to the light of night
I'm the bridge of eternity
I was given a curse
And you tasted
That I'm both today hell and paradise
I'm the mark of beast
You are my arm
So I plunge my teeth into your neck
Giving you freedom
Giving eternity back to you
So let
The redness of blood run
From open veins
The power of scarlet
Is flowing out and let
The redness of blood run!!!
The whiteness of my feathers
And the taste of my blood
You're getting to know today
Will grow as the tree of life
And let us drink a cup of wine
From the fruit of sin
And death will take them from here
So, let us praise today
With a dance of chaos
That hell is our paradise
Cursed in the name of truth
That's the freedom and the destiny
The redness becomes you
From the redness charm emerges...
In the redness there's flame...
It's fervour has cursed us today