Rizen - Reverence Lyrics

Spoken: Come on Somebody just lift those hands. Let's begin to bless the Lord. Hallelujah! Jesus! God, we just want to give you reverence in this place.

Lord, I praise You in this place____
To give You glory__ and give you ho-nor_
Lord__ I lift my hands__ in praise___ to give You
Rev---erence in this place____
Lord__ I bow be-fore Your Name__
Because of Your good_____ness___
and Your mer-cy____
Lord___ I mag-ni-fy Your Name____
To give you Rever-ence in this place

Chorus (Repeat as led)
I Lift my hands____ to pra-ise You Lord
I bow my head_____ to ho-nor You
I lift my voice____ to praise-- You-- Lord
I do these things___ to Re-verence You______
(Repeat 2 more times)

I Lift my hands____ to pra-ise You Lord
I bow my head_____ to ho-nor You
I lift my voice______ to praise-- You-- Lord
I do these things___ -1
I do these things____-2
I do these things____-3
I do these things____-4
I do these things to Re-ver-ence__ You____________
This lyrics has been read 238 times.