Pebaluna - Honey Lyrics

When I came home today, saw the bed was made
All the dishes had been cleaned and put away
And I knew Honey had been here and he did the best he could
But as for the reason, well, I aint too sure
See, it was four weeks ago while we laid in bed
after one of our fall-backs when I finally asked him
I said, Honey, why you trying so hard? I thought you wanted out.
And like a dagger thrust into my heart he said For guilt and doubt.
See baby, I feel ready to move on with my life,
but tears still paint your pretty face in the pale moonlight.
Well I realized there and then that Honey loved me no more
So the next day I made plans to get as far as I could go
I traveled New Mexico, ended up in New Orleans
where I kissed a boy from Dallas and let him sweep me off my feet
But when I came back home I saw Honey at the door
saying, Baby, oh, how Ive missed you. Lets go for one round more.
Now to be honest, I dont remember much from that point on
just his sad, sad eyes and a new hole in the wall
Next day as he left for work I asked, Whatd I say to make you so mad?
He said, Nothing baby, its all my fault and Ill fix it when I get back.
Well I aint seen Honey for about a week
I stayed somewhere else last night to get better sleep
but Honey kept on showing up in all of my dreams
so I said a heartfelt prayer for him as I slipped into my jeans
When I came home today, saw the bed was made
All the dishes had been cleaned and put away
And I knew Honey had been here and he did the best he could
But Honey, its too late this time, you broke my heart for good
This lyrics has been read 283 times.