(W) We want war, world war, world wide warning
Walking with weapons we wacking walkietalkies wearing wardens
We with whatever, "what what" wilding wherever war went
Warlock, warpath, warfare, warriors with warrants
Wasting white whine, wearing Wu-wear with wallabes
Why would we waste words we weakening wigs wobbly
(U) Using unruly utilities, unappreciated
Unstoppable underdog unequally underrated
Usually unlocking unloading undertaking
Unconditional Uncle Toms unconstitutional understatement
Until undercovers unchain us underhand
Untouchable urban underground underboss, understand?
(T) Ten O'clock Tuesday, Tahoe traveling through traffic
Two thieving teenagers, tailgating, talking tragic
Tough talk turned to tragedy, two teflons thrown
They trying to take the TVs, the touch-tone telephone
Tense, thinking thoroughly, this Tuesday turned trife
Tried to total they truck, triggered the trey-deuce twice
They tracing Tahoe tracks, touching they toast tight
Took two triple takes, then turned towards the turnpike
Transmission thumping tough thoughts thinking temperament
Tires turning, time ticking, Timberlands trembling
Thugacated though, therefore tarnished they tissues
The tefs targeted they torsos, tore through they temples
(S) Scalping sacrificed Samson's strength, soul slashing
Stainless steel slugs shattering skulls, skull smashing
Street soldier strive stricken since shy siblings
Sparking streetsweepers severing stomachs, side splitting
Silencers sniping suspects seeming suspicious
Shooting shotgun shells shell-shocking shivery snitches
Sending slug showers sharpening shanks, stabbing swine, snapping spines
Sticking stupid stool pigeons, snatching shines
Superior scientist structuring Shakespeare sentences
Study symbolic stars, smart solar system specialist
Supreme species sire since Satan's second sin
Such savage secret society segregated separatist
(R) Represent, real regulators reflect
Raneesha resurrected, Ran ran recycled respect
Reminding relatives realism really resets
Reproduction reverses redrum, recollect
Reputation rebels randomly repeating Russian roulette
Rugers rapidly ricocheting revolvers rec
Real recognize real rugged renegades rep
Riff raff rara raving raggedy rappers repent
Raising rifles razor ripping renegades regulating
(M) Magnificent music making marvelous mahogany
Mashing miscellaneous mockery monotonies
Millionaire moves modestly monopolies
Masons made majorities minorities
Mental molecule measurer, Muslim mosque minister
Muhammad's most masterful messenger
Militant mercenary merciless
Magazine millimeter marksman, murder motive murderous
Mailing moose money, Mussolini my main man
Mafia marijuana maniac man-made made man
(L) Listen, lavish life living long lasting
L's lingering lunching lobster, laughing
Lawyers lie logically law library literate
Latex lapdance lover, lust ladies limitless
Long literature lyricist
Lifting levers launching lasers, lollygagging lames loosing ligaments
(K) Ki kissing klan killer, Ku Klux Klan killing
Kidnap kindergarden klan kids kidney kicking
Keen kilogram kilo kitchen kernel
(J) Jewel jotting journalist joyless jam jotting journal
Jets Jersey Jaguar jigedy-jealously
Junior juxmen jerks jump jux jealously
Jux jack jacket jeans jewelry
Jackass judicial judge jailing juveniles justifying jeopardy