Original Cast - Kick Me Lyrics

This is the moment I dreamed would come
I'm standing here and hoping that I don't say something dumb
A cute music nerd just invited me to come and stay
At a cabin in the woods where all the nerds get away

Deep down inside I know this is what paradise is
A weekend filled with board games and singing along to the songs of Les Mis
I gotta grab this chance and not let it pass
Finally something to kick me in the ass

I'll be sitting by a river, or swinging on a tire
Or singing Lovely Ladies while I'm dancing around a fire
I gotta let go of this cool guy, and let my inner geek shine through
So I can be in charge of the buzzer when we play taboo

I'm gonna break down this wall once and for all
And when I get out, I am out for the long haul
All of this fiction will exit us en masse
No longer will I let it kick me in the ass

I'll be sitting by a river, or swinging on a tire
At the end of the day, I'll be singing Bring Him Home around a fire
I bring my video of Green Card starring Gérard Depardieu
I call shotgun on the scarlet when we play around the clue

What in hell am I waiting for
When there's opportunity holding open a door
I've only got 10 seconds before the start of class
Where are the guts that I need to step on the gas

If I could make my leg go behind me
I'd kick me in the ass
This lyrics has been read 345 times.