No Choice - Pollute and Polarize Lyrics

Justification should acknowledge
facts so talk of retribution's deemed absurd
you plan for bridges
when there's no river
and you implement without a word

Your "real solution to this growing problem"
takes extremities to places new
the blind and bigoted can board your bus
whilst traditionalists will form a queue

Well what was it gave you this phobia?
What triggered hatred and a lack of sight?
Your bible advocates a colour strong
with its rhetoric stating "white is right"
your talk of stock and breed
and ancestry come in the same breath
as you utter pure, you come diseased...
spurning cure

It's here today your ignorance of culture
with a will to blame
It's here today the armchair racists
rise to lay another claim
It's here today
You see yourself as chief protagonist
thro' ambiguity you cover tracks
you claim allegiance to a flag
that's steeped in supremacy whilst weakness cracked

Prey on emotions of the insecure
and inconsiderate to cause divide...
Your aims...
pollute and polarize...
Your railings are failing...
And it's here today
your ignorance of culture with a will to blame

It's here today uneducated ramblings
that "we're not the same."
It's here today well your union's
hijacked as your facts fall short again
that's it today
This lyrics has been read 139 times.