The last Picasso, the last Picasso was just acquired by some old museum, and Don Quixote, Well Don Quixote the old man's rhyme has lost its reason; which only reminds me have I remembered to say that without you this life of plenty, would seem so empty, the last Picasso. Oh me and you--me oh me oh me oh me and you-- We, we can sigh--me oh me oh me oh me oh we can sigh. The last Picasso, the last Picasso may gather dust amid the ruins, and Don Quixote, Well Don Quixote may no longer make his wishful tunes; but I still have you and I will have you when ev'rything else is gone and done with. We'll be like one with the last Picasso. Oh me and you--me oh me oh me oh me oh me and you-- We, we can sigh--me oh me oh me oh me oh we can sigh. Oh, me and you--me oh me oh me oh me oh me and you-- We, we can sigh--me oh me oh me oh me oh we can sigh. Oh, me and you--we we can sigh me oh me oh me oh we can sign. Oh, me and you.