March Of The Dead - The Stars Stopped Shining Lyrics
Fifteen minutes to midnight
The stars stopped shining
The air is stuffy and can not breathe
Fourteen minutes to midnight
You probably will not come, but I'll keep waiting
Sitting at the window, trying to breathe
There will not be enough oxygen if you do not get
Thirteen minutes to midnight
You 're too late , too
But have not given up
The streets are eerily empty
So I can see him
In the darkness, you appear
And disappears in the shadow of the posts
With a bouquet of black roses
It makes my eyes sparkle
Why I no longer had hopes
The door opens and you enter a little shy
But it goes away
All my thoughts go back at the same instant
You hold me and it all will
Now, all I want is to let it go
I want to let the pain fade from my body
I'm fragile as a piece of paper
(You finished ripping)
All I want is to let it go
Let the pain go
(You do not need to breathe)
I want to let you kill me
I gave you everything and everything was ordered not to let me
But if I could go back
My choices would still be the same