In a foraged night- Sitting in my doom of my trialed offense. Nothing to do. My hands are freezing off. I'm really sore from people breaking the law. I make people scared- I know but what could I say. Right now, it's awesome and i'm fucked without pay. I knew it from the start when it was back in the day, it's when people get annoying and get in the way. In an alley- The only road. Drained through my misery and cleared thoughts. Framed in a person who I know i'm not.
When it's you on the only road, the only other person on my friendly side. I know i'm serious but there's not enough time so i'll go.
With my sour mouth. The words that hurt. Marvel superheroes are just not my thing. I don't wear a cape or heal your bleeding sting. Why do you trust me if i'm not even there? I ran away and not a soul even cared. Running on the only road to my certain death, heart beat racing in my chest and bleeding breath.