as a flower, she bloomed once her wrists were opened.
I remember her scent, intoxicating.
my communication with her was clearly enhance.
but her's was quickly fading, discontinued and frail.
her eyes reflected an hopeless apprehension,
for a compassionate smile, a misplaced melancholy.
liquid-azure, she stared at me...
like when we used to drink too much cocktails on sunday's afternoon...
I remember her heart-breaking smile, now beautifully distorted.
agony and orgasms combined, I swear.
don't worry girl, everythin' is going to be alright.
can't wait till she sober up and realise what is truly happening.
she seem gently desperate, numb and on the verge of collapsing.
but that... I cannot allow. this is a test
and I couldn't get more sentimental.
her pulse, slowing down, foreshadowing a very long and quiet season,
of dreamlike serenity...
I'll miss her so much
(Ether died as a martyr, unknown, in a secluded asylum)