The Invisibles - Alone, again Lyrics

Burning like a sentimental letter, full of passion and
No one around to aim a shallow conversation
The mailbox is empty everyone else is to blame, but I'll be
I'll pull out my 99cent notebook and come up with comforting
blue lines

Maybe I'm just not my favorite company

But as long as you don't let me down, then I know I will be
outside here
Waiting for fictitious hearts and open diaries, just looking
For the days life didn't make me wanna say:
"Well it looks like I am all alone again"

Another day, I watch it go, a piece of life left outside in the
No one around to catch my moment of sincerity
I'm diagnosed invisible by those who do not care, but I'm still
Wondering where the hell you are now and when you're running
back to me

Selfishness says I should be all your eyes can see

"Won't you rescue me from myself? 'Cause I hate to see I'm all
alone again"
This lyrics has been read 86 times.