Grimnismál - Mod Nord… Lyrics

Så farer jeg mod nord
mod bjerge og elverfloder
og fjeldes løv og sten
fra fordumstiders minde
Da vandrer jeg i skove
hilser hver en gren, en kvist
trækroner griber mod skyer
troldes bo i stammers huler
Mod nord jeg ser
Mod nord jeg føler
Mod nord jeg hører
forfædrenes hvisken
gudernes kalden...
Towards the North…

I am heading to the North
To the mountains and elven rivers
And the leaves and rocks of the mountain
From the memories of ancient times
There I wander the woods
Greeting every branch and twig
Treetops are reaching for clouds
Home of Trolls in caves of the woods
Towards the North I see
Towards the North I feel
Towards the North I hear
Whispers of Forefathers
The call from the Gods…
This lyrics has been read 79 times.