Forest of Souls - End Of A World Lyrics

"For away from my home, at last I'm comming back from a long journey.
Yet, I recognize the lovely place my soul cherishes.
I long to meet you again, you my life, my breath I so harshly gave life to..."
(At the same time, in the depth of the woods:)

"Let the council sit !
For we have been warned about the arrival of the great fog.
Now we must fulfill our duty.
We must go though the world, to save those lives unaware of their fate"
The Korrigans quest then started.
While travelling, plains, mountains and rivers were unveiled them.
Their testing walk led them to far away lands.
That's when they met that woman who refused to follow them...

"I can't make my mind up to abandon my own folks, too much time separates up.
So let me carry on my way, for your tellings are but Tales and Legends.
No, I'll never follow you, never, ever.
Soon the atmosphere grew heavier.
Matter, Essence and reality started to melt.
Misty layers rose from lands and all existing things.

"Let us hurry, the end is nearing.
Time is rationned.
We won't able to save every being of that world.
Many of them will die whatever happens !!!
It's too late for the others !
Let's come back !
Here our duty ends up !"
So the Korrigans completed their quest.
Leaving behind them a failing world...
Left alone, Deliale wondered throught the new state of things, in search of her folks.
Here was born the end of a world...
This lyrics has been read 97 times.