Fit For Rivals - Girl In A Coma Lyrics

You took it off, and put it on forthem.
Never satisfied with no oneno not anything.
You take it alland throw it back atthem.
Everything is wrong unlessyou have your way again.
Takeyour time, don't hurry up, causenothing is ever enough.
Everytime you're around girl you'veforgot.
How you try to makebelieve in something yournot.
Your time is runningout.
Oh girl you've got so damnmuch to prove.
It's a shameyou'll never know how much you gotto lose.
Your time is runningout.
You shook me off, and wentaround again.
Never satisfiedwith no one no not anything.
Youcame around, to fade away withthem.
Everything is wrong unlessyou have your way again.
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