Downlord - Psyclotron Lyrics

Pouring like sand through the hour glass - falling through our hands
The mercurial passage of precious time - now, and forever gone
Cold thoughts bearing vilest conclusions
That one has drawn from their bitter delusions
No fountains of youth to wash away the tears - or erase the pain, perpetually racing as we rage against the grain

Yesterday has long since gone - and it seems that tomorrow never comes
Time: That devours all things - Ravenous fire, all consuming
Eternal flame, ever present - burns hotter and higher
It steals away one's lust for life - First casualty of the routine
skeleton upon which history hangs - now meat falls from the bones
the years fall like leaves - from our disenchanted lives
Let it come as no surprise - let them be gone!
evolution is universal - the eternal role reversal
desperately we search for meaning - still no closer to peace within
No stone unturned in our quest for answers - Just a reason to live
This lyrics has been read 101 times.