Don King Lives In My Backyard - Bad Date (let's Not Be Friends) Lyrics

i caught you like a bad cold
wished together we would grow
old wishful thinking is what
i do i'd sell my liver just
to hang out with you the sands
of time are wearing down until
you hardly see me around
but for now i wanna profess
to thee that you're such
a bitch for dumping me i bet
you thought this was a love song
guess again bitch again your wrong
i hope lots of dogs shit on
your lawn cause this is one
of those fuck you songs

why did you dump me right after
you humped me if your ass
wasn't nice i would not be so grumpy
please tell your dad
and his friends not to jump me
it's your fault anyway you were
my cher and i was your sonny
now i'm stuck in the face like
a crash test dummy don't
lie to my face because you'll
watch me laugh your pity away
the tables turned and the
faults not mine you had your
eyes on him the whole time
and if i'm wrong oh well i don't care
my head hurts less when you're not there
the sands of time are wearing
down before you hardly see
me around but for now i wanna profess
to thee that you're such
a bitch for dumping me
This lyrics has been read 126 times.