Dick Gaughan - Bonnie Banks o Fordie Lyrics

There were three sisters lived in a bouer
An they aa went out for tae pu a flouer
They aa went out for tae pu a flouer
Doun by the bonnie banks o Fordie-o
An they hadnae pu'd a flouer but ane
Whan up thair steppt a banisht man
Whan up thair steppt a banisht man
Doun by the bonnie banks o Fordie-o
An he's taen the first ane by the haun
An he's turnt her roun an he's made her staun
Oh it's will ye be a robber's wife
Or will ye dee by my penknife
Oh it's A'll no be a robber's wife
But A will dee by your penknife
So it's he's taen out his wee penknife
An thair he's twined her o her life
An he's taen the saicant ane by the haun
An he's turnt her roun an he's made her staun
Oh it's will ye be a robber's wife
Or will ye dee by my penknife
Oh it's A'll no be a robber's wife
A'd raither dee by your penknife
So it's he's taen out his wee penknife
An thair he's twined her o her life
An he's taen the third ane by the haun
An he's turnt her roun an he's made her staun
Oh it's will ye be a robber's wife
Or will ye dee by my penknife
Oh it's A'll no be a robber's wife
Nor will A dee by your penknife
For A hae brither in yon tree
Gin ye kill me then he'll kill ye
Come tell tae me yer brither's name
My brither's name it is Babylon
Oh sister hae I dune this ill tae ye
Hae A dune this dreadfu ill tae ye
An it's he's taen out his wee penknife
An it's thair he's taen his ain life
This lyrics has been read 133 times.