Classified - It's Hard to Understand Lyrics

The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows.
It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are.
It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.
I met this kid a couple years ago, who was 9 at the time.
A fan of my music; recited it line after line
Said his brother took a bullet from a 9 to his spine
And his parents are heartbroken, can't stop crying since he died
Mistaken identity; wrong place and time
But nobody came forth, everyone blind to the crime
He was playing basketball right in front of their eyes
But nobody seen nothing?
Man, it's a sign of the times, and it's disgusting
But this 9 year old
Like "Fuck this, I gotta do something for my older brother"
He asked if I could help and I said, "Anything you need"
Said he needs to know what happened so his brother can rest in peace.
He wanted me to make a video asking for support and if anybody knows something, don't be scared to come forth.
So I did it
And people tried to label that as snitching
Like, really? What the fuck am I missing here?
This boy lost his brother, now an innocent kid isn't here
I'm just trying to help. Is that wrong?
Man, this isn't fair.
If that was your brother or your kid, would you give a shit?
I know I ain't a snitch, but are you sure you ain't a hypocrite?
It's hard to understand,
Life can be a trip
Enjoy it when it's good, just get through it when it's bad
'Cuz life can be a bitch
But life can be a gift.
Life can be a trip
Enjoy it when it's good, just get through it when it's bad
'Cuz life can be a bitch
But life can be a gift.
So slow it down, 'cuz life can be too quick
Last year I went to the hospital for sick kids
My cousin worked there, said they'd appreciate the visit
"Just a couple minutes, come say hi and take some pictures. Sign some autographs for their brothers and mothers and sisters."
Not a problem.
I even did a song or two.
Looking at these kids like, "I wish I was as strong as you."
Smiles on their face, tubes hanging from their ears
Trying to take the walk of life but confined to wheelchairs
It's unbelievable.
Then I met Simon, this other kid.
Who missed my performance, he was too sick to get out of bed
I was nervous at first and couldn't comprehend how a child who's so sick could be so happy and content.
He said he was a huge fan of me and Billy Talent.
I told him I just met those guys last week, they were real cool.
He liked that.
A 15 year old with leukemia trying to fight back, but he wasn't complaining about where his life's at.
We talked for a while, 'til the nurse made her rounds
She said I have to leave, I said goodbye, gave him pounds.
We complain about life and now I know it ain't necessary
And I'm reminded every time I read Simon's Obituary
It's hard to understand,
Life can be a trip
Enjoy it when it's good, just get through it when it's bad
'Cuz life can be a bitch
But life can be a gift.
Life can be a trip
Enjoy it when it's good, just get through it when it's bad
'Cuz life can be a bitch
But life can be a gift.
So slow it down, 'cuz life can be too quick
Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.
But it ain't about how hard you're hit
It's about how can get hit and keep moving forward
How much you can take, and keep moving forward.
This lyrics has been read 172 times.